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Monday, 16 June 2014

Obituary – John Trainor

St. Anthony's and Armagh Zone recently lost a dear friend in John Trainor. John was a popular figure in the bowling fraternity and will be sadly missed. The Trainor family have sent the message below:

Obituary – John Trainor

The family of the late John Trainor would like to express their gratitude to the members of the Armagh Zone and the wider bowling fraternity who sympathised with us after the death of our beloved Husband, Father & Grandfather.

We have been deeply touched with the large outpouring of support from bowlers who travelled from far and wide to express their sympathy with our family at this difficult time.  We are also very grateful for the many cards and messages of condolence we have received.

Our family will continue to take comfort and support from you all, in the knowledge of how highly John was regarded by all his friends.